One day after witnessing T.N.A. Wrestling's first house show in Plymouth, MI two members of the T.W.O. invaded Saturday Night's Main Event at Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI.
The final T.W.O. World Champion Scott Thunder and the CEO Paramecium were at Cobo watching the show from prime seats. The highlights of the show for Paramecium were watching Shawn and Shane drop 10 feet through two tables and watching Austin rip on JBL.
"If it would have been longer than two hours, and not had all the commercial breaks it would have almost been like a ppv," said Paramecium.
The show aired on NBC from 8-10 p.m. for most of the country (it was on TV20 in Detroit) but the start time advertised for ticket holders was 6:30 p.m.
The reason for this time wasn't given up front but Paramecium was hoping they'd get a couple bonus matches.
"The only 'bonus' match they gave us before the show was Big Show vs. Carlito. I would have liked to see Michigan native RVD or maybe a cruiserweight match but they didn't really give us anything beyond what was seen on television."
Big Show vs. Carlito started at about 6:40 and lasted 5-10 minutes (no one was counting) then the actual show started a few minutes before 7:00 p.m. "It wasn't live?" You ask. No, it was actually on a 1 hour tape delay.
Some of the audience didn't even show up until 7:30 p.m. This may have been because they didn't notice the tickets said 6:30 or they saw the 6:30 and figured all they were going to miss was a couple dark matches. An entire row of people came in at 7:30 to sit behind the T.W.O. group and were surprised to learn that they had missed the tag team match.
The earlier start time allowed the ring crew to clean up the mess after The Cutting Edge and the Beer Drinking Contest. The cutting edge left melted table plastic in the ring while the Beer Drinking Contest left the ring drenched in beer.
Edge got the burning table idea from Paramecium
For both instances the ring had a second mat over the first one so the ring crew just had to roll up the messy mat and carry it away.
The earlier start time also made it easier to cut out Austin's language and the Shawn vs. Shane match was shortened. "After they went through the tables the audience was sitting there for like 10 minutes watching them lay on the floor," said Paramecium.
"They even brought out the stretchers and everything. But on TV they go to commercial for four minutes and when they come back Shawn is throwing Shane back in the ring."
JBL got the idea for the cowboy hat from Scott Thunder
"You could tell when they were going to commercial between matches," said Paramecium. "Nothing would happen for one or two minutes then they'd shoot a 'W.W.E. unlimited' segment for about 2-3 minutes, then there would be another 1-2 minute pause before things would start back up again. I'd say the pauses (with W.W.E. unlimited and ring cleanings) averaged about 6-8 minutes in the arena but were cut down to four minutes for television."
The show got out just after 9 p.m. at which time one friend got a phone call saying, "we're watching Austin and JBL right now on TV, are you guys having fun?" To which the friend replied, "we're leaving, the show just ended." The group then spent the following hour trying to get out of the parking structure.
When asked which show was better T.N.A. or W.W.E. Paramecium replied, "surprisingly I thought T.N.A. was a better value. We saw more matches, high quality matches, without commercial breaks, and for half the price.
"It was awesome seeing Sabu, A.J. Styles, and Michigan natives Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and Rhino and the stars of T.N.A. really seemed to put their hearts into their matches."
One of Scott Thunder's highlights was seeing Lita
"On the other hand, W.W.E. gave us Austin, Foley and Shawn Michaels. Three of my all-time favorites. The only thing really missing from W.W.E. that night was Michigan native RVD. That might have put them over the top for me. But overall, both were good shows."
Scott Thunder (back) and Paramecium (right)
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